
Emirates Club demands the abolition of Brazilian red to excite

The Emirates Club Company management lodged an official protest with the Emirates Football Association to demand the cancellation of the red card obtained by the Brazilian soccer team player Leathery Dasilva in the team match in front of the Masafi team within a competition First class league، Where the protest included footage and pictures confirming the incorrectness of the decision of the meeting, whose decision was reversed by everyone's surprise and directly affected by the match result in granting the red card to the Emirati club player where the opponent used the elbow ( Hand Attachment ) and classified as a direct hit tool against the Emirates player ( disgraceful behavior ) ، It is surprising that the incident occurred near the ruling, the assistant, and the fourth ruling, which is stipulated by the law for direct expulsion, followed by a report stronger than the reaction of the expelled UAE player, and after that, and with great amazement from all, the most famous ruling of the meeting The direct red card in the face of the Emirates player, while the yellow card was satisfied with the competing player.  The management of the Emirates Club Company confirmed that it is next to the Emirates Federation and is keen on developing rulers، And with our citizens, but what happened in the Masafi match and some other matches and the injustice suffered by the club, especially since the team is currently living in a crucial stage in the league’s life and a competitor on one of the two cards to go up to the Adnok League For professionals who require all important elements on the team and cannot bear unjustified errors from the rulers.  Also, a short time ago, the team lost the effort of one of its distinguished players as a result of a direct blow by hand from another competing player and missed its impact until the end of the season, and the competing player did not obtain any card from the ruling Unfortunately .