
Emirates Football Club hire new Spanish coach Lluís Planagumà

The Emirates Club announced hiring the Spanish coach Lluís Planagumà, born in Barcelona in 1980, to replace Muhammad Al-Jalbot.

The signing of the contract was attended by His Excellency Youssef Abdullah Al-Batran, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Football Company, Abdullah Al-Ajal, General Supervisor of the First Team, and Hadef Saif, Director of the Football First Team.

His Excellency Youssef Al-Batran, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Football Company, extended his sincere thanks and appreciation to Coach Mohammed Al-Jalbot for the period he spent with the team, which culminated in the promotion to the ADNOC Professional League, wishing the coach success in his future coaching career.

Al-Batran highlighted the impressive CV of the new coach, as he has coached a number of La Liga teams, such as Espanyol, Granada and Villarreal, as well as a number of Japanese clubs, such as Vissel Cup and Imabari, pointing out the support for him and his coaching staff to achieve the team's goals during this new season.

In turn, the Spanish coach, Luis, thanked the club's management for trusting him to coach this wonderful club. He also expressed his hope to achieve the aspirations of the club's management and fans, pointing out that he will do his best to form a strong team that can compete and achieve positive results at the highest level. In addition, he personally thanked the Emirates Football Club for the warm reception and the generous support since his arrival at the club, and he said he hoped to lead the team to greater success worthy of the club's history.