
The girls youngsters and the boys youngsters of the Falcons of the Powers of the Emirates Club are winning 20 medals in the Championship of His Highness the President of the State for running

The UAE club athletics team achieved the first places and won 20 medals in the His Highness The president of the UAE running Cup championship, where the girls 'youngsters  won the second place in the team and the second place in the junior teams, and the boys' Falcons youngsters  won the second place in the team and the second individual by Salma Ashraf and the third individual by Mona Omar Bakhit . H. E. Yousef Abdullah Al Batran, chairman of the board of Directors of the club, extended sincere congratulations and praise for their efforts and achievement of these medals at the level of the country's clubs, which reflect the great work and distinguished effort of the players led by the supervisor of individual and team games Jamal Ahmed Al qorsi, game Administration Fatima Jabbar Ali and coach Hadi Mohammed Karim.