
The Emirates Club hosts the initiative of the Emirates Foundation for Health Services and Saqr Hospital in diagnosing sports injuries

In the context of the partnership and cooperation existing between the Emirates Club and the Office of Visiting Doctors at the Emirates Health Services Foundation and Saqr Hospital, represented by His Excellency Youssef Al-Battran, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Dr. Mona Al-Ayan, Director of Saqr Hospital and in activation of the strategy and goals of both sides، The Emirates Club hosted the Foundation’s initiative through Saqr Hospital, through which some sports injuries were identified, diagnosed, and their causes and how to treat them.The field visit was attended by Thani Salem Al-Shehhi, a member of the Board of Directors, Mansour Hussein Ibrahim, a member of the Board of Directors, and Ahmed bin Sevan Al-Shamsi, in the presence of the doctors of the Department of Bones, Dr. Abdel Baqi Hindu, the bone consultant and joints Head of the Orthopedic Department of Saqr Hospital and Dr. Gonzales Al-Tayeb, in the Orthopedic Department, consultant. In the endoscopes of the knee and sports injuries from Spain, Dr. Khaled Abdel Aziz Abbaid, the specialist in the bone department, the doctor of the Emirates Sports Club, and Dr. Moataz Abdel Latif, the specialist in the bone department, and Ahmed Fawzy. Deputy Head of the Department of Physiotherapy and Visiting Doctor Dr. Kart Mani, Physiotherapist in Sports Injuries from America. During the field visit and the initiative, sports injuries were reviewed, sports injuries were discussed, how to diagnose, treat and prevent injuries, and the services of Saqr Hospital were provided to players as soon as possible, and an explanatory lecture was conducted by the attending doctors On the diagnostic injuries and rehabilitative treatments, some players with sports injuries were examined and exposed, and the most appropriate treatment plan was given for returning to the stadiums in the shortest time.Thani Salem Al-Shehhi, a member of the Board of Directors, stated that he is happy with such cooperation and visit between government departments and institutions and provide continuous mutual support .For his part, Mansour Hussein, the general supervisor of the Sunni stages, said. However, such initiatives give the club a good boost in keeping players safe. With advanced services. In Saqr Hospital in particular and in the emirate in general, the delegation of the Emirates Foundation for Health Services and representatives of Saqr Hospital thanked the Emirates Club Administration for welcoming this initiative and the club administration honored the visiting doctors for this visit He thanked the hospital administration for such cooperation and the memorial shields were exchanged between the two sides .