
The Emirates Club are fully prepared for the Presidents Cup match

The Emirates 1st team coach, Tariq Al Sektioui, said that his players have prepared well and are fully focused for the up-and-coming match against BaniYas in the President's Cup on Monday. He added that team morale is high due to a good run in the previous week’s League Cup matches, in addition to the unwavering support from the chairman and the board of directors.

Al Sektioui also confirmed that the preparations for the match have been thorough and professional from the players; pointing to the positive resolve of all the team members to get the right result.

The Falcons coach indicated the importance of having a good run in the tournament and said: There is nothing to prevent us from doing that; yes, it will be a difficult task but I trust in the players’ abilities and their determination. I also believe that they have the right mentality to achieve victories and the team deserves to be in a better situation than they are in now.

Tariq Al Sektioui’s returned optimism and his confidence in the team and that in football anything is possible to those who strive for it; stressed that he will always back his players to the end. When talking about the opposition, he said that BaniYas are a strong side and a well-respected team, have an excellent coach and the players are of the highest quality.

He added: With the fans standing behind us and the support from the management, we can win, we just have to believe that this can be achieved on Monday.

For his part, the player Abdullah Malallah said that as far as the players are concerned, they are ready to give their all in the match against BaniYas and to gain a vital win so as to continue to the next round and to achieve what the Emirates Club did in 2010 when they won the Presidents Cup.

The coach finally added that the tactical approach for this big game against BanYas will succeed if we apply it correctly and stay focused at all times on the field and the fact we have our loyal fans supporting us in this important match will no doubt give us that extra boost to win the match.